We said the meaning of your life because you would only be reading our words if you were meant to hear them. You are always guided to information and all the events and circumstances of your life by your higher self or guides. You would only do so at a time appropriate and meaningful to your evolutionary journey and world.
You are an eternal spirit that has always existed, and you have done so at various times in your world's history, and you have assumed different roles in the physical incarnations you have chosen. The idea that you chose this particular incarnation is more meaningful than you might have known, but you will discover more as you expand your consciousness and awareness. That is an individual choice you each make, and again you make that choice when you become willing to fulfill another aspect of your evolution.
This lifetime you have had the experiences that have brought you to a place where you and your world would most appreciate your contribution to your planet's ascension. Your job was to add light and love this time, which occurs when you release the old you or all those limiting ideas and concepts you brought with you from your ancestors or soul connections and those you have accepted in this life.
The ultimate goal of any lifetime you might have chosen was to experience more love and joy. Again this is a choice you make, as it all exists in your consciousness. When you imagine how you feel at this moment while reading these words, it is due to how you have chosen to perceive yourself and your world.
As your awareness grows, you can direct your life and that of your world in a manner that sustains humankind. You wanted to have a physical life experience so you might experience human emotions, for that is the only way your soul expands, which is all that is eternal.
You live in a world based on linear time. We used this day to write this article to illustrate that time is an illusion of physical reality, and your sciences have long discovered that everything exists in the moment of now. And understanding that concept provides you with a greater opportunity to transcend those limited beliefs you have accepted as your reality. Much of this you will reread for greater understanding, for you will illuminate your internal light bulb.
We had Roger publish our regular daily writing last night. We provided that message ten years ago. We and now him are not limited by linear time. We wanted him to be clear to write this today, for it is a crucial time in your world's ascension where the energetic contribution you make would be warranted.
While many have felt the global events of late as an ominous sign of what might come, we have said it is a restructuring. You exist to aid that cause by deciding to love who you are and your life journey thus far. Yes, you have more to do, for the changing of your world is in full force, and you would only exist if your contribution would add to the fabric of your future world. That is how it is manifested.
Throughout the existence of humankind on your planet, you move through periods of significant change to create something you would call better. The better you want to experience exists within you and is also unique to you. Your evolution and that world wished your ascension to happen. You each have different roles to play, which are equally essential. You will decide how vital you feel your part is by how much you are willing to accept your ability and talent to manifest anything of a physical or material nature, for that power is in your consciousness.
Some, like Roger, agreed to have life experiences that would bring through ancient knowledge because you always expound on that information to manifest your world. You add your unique element to it through the experiences you have had in this life and what you have chosen to do. But also the lives you had before, which, on some level, you felt needed to be completed. You thought this time you could do a better job, as we put it, in human terms.
Your civilizations always struggle to find balance, and this particular time-space trajectory seeks to find that balance through you. How much will you release from your life experience that no longer serves your evolution? How much are you willing to forgive yourself for your past seeming mistakes? How much are you ready to see others as yourself? How much are you keen to see beyond separation from source? How much are you willing to love yourself? When you answer that last question and find peace, you have fulfilled your purpose this time.
That is the meaning of your life. You all seek guidance to find your way, and it will come through different individuals, which has occurred throughout your history. None of you know how your lives will unfold, for you have no conscious memory of the roles you chose, for they are stimulated to come to the fore or awaken through your DNA, awaiting your acceptance. Your global events serve as stimulation.
We have given you this information in our live conversations, which many have yet to hear. If you did, it might not have made sense because many of you require some form of physical manifestation before you allow your consciousness to assimilate new information. The process is continual. You will decide what to believe in your experience, and that belief will produce physical results in your life and world.
When we told Roger we provided everything you needed to know in 2012, he had no awareness of what we meant, let alone discover he inadvertently put that information in a folder on his computer he hadn't noticed. You, too, have yet to see all that is within you, which was the purpose of the work we provided. It is specific as it came through Roger, and those of you who would resonate have a similar mission of adding light and love to your life and world. You only need guidance which comes in the form of stimulation. Our words have accomplished that for many of you.
You move through your ascension process through the use of your human mind; you translate your experiences energetically. We wanted you to interpret them all in a manner to cause you to love yourself and appreciate the knowledge and wisdom you have gained. The energy you then emit has the power of creation in your life. The quantum sciences have told you that is how you also manifest your world. Every soul does so with equal power and ability. The resulting world will be formed by the quality of that energy you each add.
We will end this article with an explanation of our work, a philosophy we provided through Roger to aid you in your ascension. We told him the name was "Your Life Operating Instructions." We chose that name to impress upon you that it will be a new world, and you aid the planetary ascension by attending to your ascension.
It is a personal journey you each will take that will have you break down the barriers you have held within that don't allow you to experience the joy of this life. And you are also correcting those things your ancestors did not achieve, but because you exist at a new time in your world, you hold more potential.
We provided guidance so you might accept your greatness, and we know you would add that energetic contribution to your world. Besides that, we wanted you to be happy, prosperous, and in love with yourself. Nothing is more powerful than that.
- - Wilhelm
©2024 Roger Burnley / The Burnley Method / Your Last Development Program