All suffering and struggle you continue to experience are self-imposed. You might first attempt to find some exceptions to that statement, but you will be hard-pressed to find any.
We all experience difficulties, challenges, tragedies, disappointments, failures, losses, and other unpleasant experiences, but I know they are all valuable. Once you decide to find the worth and value in the life you have led, you will no longer struggle or suffer.
I know the video is lengthy, and only a few watch them. Still, I had to do it to thoroughly explain why I was changing direction, what I understood about our changing world, and my recognition of what I possessed that could help.
We each improve our world by honoring, owning, and loving who we are. My work guides every person to that place, and knowing that it would improve our world, I had to end my self-imposed struggle and suffering and own myself.
I have always been a person who needed to prove whatever I created or put into the world and released to the public works and deliver the results I promise, and I know that now. Now I want a tribe of people who want to love and honor themselves so they live extraordinary lives, and then our world will change.
In love and light,
- - Roger
Here are the Wilhelm messages I read in the video.
The Dream
August 2005 4:30 AM
The appearance of this dream: there were several spiritual leaders of sorts in a group in a circle, and we were asked who would do something, and I ran forward. I volunteered while at the same time thinking, why did it need to be me?
I seem conflicted about whether I will continue to listen and be open without the pain or go back to my old ways, which was the indication by my seeing an old friend yesterday.
I ask for guidance and clarity. There is still a part of me that thinks the experience isn't real on some level, and I could put it away, while a stronger part of me knows that is not the case.
October 27, 2014
Stop attempting to hide from yourself. Yes, that was meant as a directive and an important and powerful one. You have known that to expand and become the actualized being you desire, you must become willing to be vulnerable. You have only taken this idea halfway, so to speak, meaning that you have applied it to becoming open and vulnerable to others but have yet to apply it to yourself, which is where it really matters.
You recently noticed and were surprised by "hidden" feelings you held about yourself that suddenly surfaced. They surprised you because you have attempted to cover them up or hide from them. They then take on a life of their own and eat away at your sense of self and well-being. Seek to feel the feelings, so they come to light, and you can dissipate them and move beyond them.
October 11, 2018
You came here to be love. Please transcribe this message without censorship, for it will encourage and help you and all others, as that was your intention.
We said you came to be love for a very specific reason. It was to get you to finally understand there is nothing you must do to love because it is who you are. Now, as you experience your life then, you know when you are not being yourself or being love because you don't feel good.
When you are in fear, you are not being love. When you are judging another or, more importantly, yourself, you are not being love.
Our volume got a bit louder as we went on because we want you to hear this.
August 25, 2020
We said the United States would lead the way in this restructuring because it set itself forth as the leader. But in doing so, they did not honor every aspect of who they were and created a hierarchy, of which we have spoken, that makes it difficult for the individual to experience empowerment or feel powerful.
But the real challenge has been you. You did not think you could make a difference, but what will occur now due to your world condition is you will choose to restructure yourself, which means owning and honoring all of you. Now you will understand why we have continually referred to the collective you recently because now, you will aid that collective you in its evolvement by becoming yourself. That is all you desired your entire "this" lifetime.
One last point. You must be patient with the world as you need to be with yourself, for you can see how you resisted becoming the greatest version of yourself, and quite literally, you are the world.
From "Your Life Operating Instructions"
July 12, 2012
Gradually you become you. This statement will help make you more aware of the process of expansion and hopefully alleviate some of your self-imposed judgment.
Many times you find yourself sitting in judgment of your thoughts, deeds, and actions with the accusation that you should have known better. In truth, had you known better, there would have been no need for any expansion or evolvement at all.
You decided to live in a physical world that operates on linear time precisely so that you might experience that gradual transformation, for, in that manner, it becomes known, owned, and actualized by you.
©2024 Roger Burnley / The Burnley Method / Your Last Development Program