I hope you pay attention to this entire article, listen to the video, and read the insertions; you will understand everything I have said, your life, and the world.
You could save the world. When you hear that statement, you might recoil from the thought of it, or you might feel repelled by the person uttering those words, for you would think them to be egotistical or delusional. And if you dared to speak those words yourself or have felt the truth of them at some time in your life, it would not be surprising for you to feel the truth of them now as I do.
If you haven't noticed, we live in a very different and ever-changing world that will continue for a while. I know many of you have heard my words and might not have made sense of them, but there are so many others who have understood them and found comfort through them and the work in my program and what was delivered through the live conversations.
Many different terms have been used to describe what is occurring in our lives and the world. The phrase I was given was restructuring. As I began to write this article, I decided to search for an article that might explain these changes in a way you might understand, and I found this one: "What is an existential crisis?" You will appreciate the fact it is medically reviewed.
Then I decided to find what information I gathered on the topic and found this posting. Yes, that was delivered to me almost two years ago precisely.
None of us know who we will become when we are born or what skills, talents, and abilities might emerge. I didn't think I had this ability, but now I do, which is why it is not crazy to say that I could save the world. I do know how that is accomplished—one person at a time.
After I wrote the first part of this article, I was guided to find a Wilhelm session that was channeled on March 18, 2022. I could not have made this up, and if you listen, it might be strengthened your belief in yourself as it did for me. You can view the replay here.
⬅ Or click the video to the left.
It is not me alone who would accomplish that, but a legion of people who decide it is time for them to own themselves and allow their gifts and talents to come into the world, and the question of who has freedom will be answered. That is the question we will answer in our lives, and based on the answer we choose, the world will make the same choice.
Many people repel the idea presented in this article's subject because they have not yet understood their importance and significance in the world. Every person was born with equal ability, but we also come from long lines of generational structures that have caused us to believe we do not hold power or the ability to change anything controlled by the ruling class at that time. We all know this through studying history.
We always struggle in civilization over power, money, love, and control, and we are doing so again. I have been given this information for years, and if you read that post from two years ago or listen to any of the recordings from the live sessions, you will see that information manifest in our world.
The program's purpose is to guide each person to become their authentic selves, for when it comes time to choose, your choice will be evident to you. Yes, you will make a choice, and most likely, it will come up in places closest to you, such as your family, friends, and work. You might have already experienced those instances as I have. Empowered people would never fight or steal from another or offer hate to the world.
You have seen the glorious testimonials from those who have taken the program because they have come to know who they are. They have let go of much of their self-judgment. They have begun to remember and recognize their worth and value. They have moved beyond more of their fear and doubt. All the difficulties experienced by those moving through existential changes, as mentioned in that article, they are bypassing.
I would love for you to have the same experience and be a part of the masses who will bring in a new world by deciding to become the new person they have been guided to through the program.
The other part of the change in our world revolves around global wealth and income inequality, which happens when we decide to own our worth and value, which is what I am doing as I want to be the example.
You may join the program now at its current rate through
Sunday, July 24. After that time, there will be a waitlist where you may register while I revamp the new and improved program at a substantially higher cost, but those enrolled or current members will not pay that.
We must all stop entertaining a poverty consciousness and provide for ourselves the lives and abundance we are meant to have.
In love and light,
- Roger
©2024 Roger Burnley / The Burnley Method / Your Last Development Program