It's miserable not being myself. I know that statement is true for everyone, so my coaching focuses on authenticity. But I have not been fully authentic, and I've done it for a while, and I also know it no longer serves me or the world to continue that behavior.
I happened to pull out a folder yesterday and found a post from 1997 through the writings I received from Wilhelm, and it was advice on self-healing. No one had ever seen that information because I kept it hidden from the world. I did that from 1988 until 2007. My writings were only revealed then because someone found one on my desk and told me how much it helped them and wanted to receive more, so now I could no longer hide.
When I first began automatic writing in 1988, it was strange and surprising to me, so I knew no one else would understand, so I started hiding.
I still did everything I could to separate my public self from my intuitive spiritual self because I didn't want to be judged, and I didn't understand it myself. I always saw things I couldn't quite explain from an early age.
The first indication I remember where I knew I had some other ability came in 1976 when I took a business I knew nothing about and turned it into the highest-producing affiliate out of 500 locations for the company. The executives wanted to know how I had done that, and I didn't know.
I spent decades hiding my little secret that I couldn't explain. But it allowed me to survive incredible difficulties in my life and heal so many disorders that I can now sit as someone turning seventy-two years old soon and in better health than most half my age. But I'm not telling others how I did that.
I could hide for a while longer because in 2009, after losing everything in my life after the great recession, I recovered through my singing business. Within a few months of having nothing, I was pulling in $10,000 per month, and I also hid the fact I didn't know how I was doing that because I never did it the way other coaches had. But having that much money allowed me to hide longer.
In 2016 I knew I needed to make a change and my services would be better used elsewhere, so I returned to life coaching I had abandoned in 1987 because I couldn't explain why my client was receiving such astounding results, and I had not been trained.
My intuitive guidance to change became stronger in 2019 when I finally released a book on fear. It was not because I wanted to because I didn't. But I knew it would be helpful to others as I had suffered and been paralyzed by fear most of my life which I now know is because I couldn't explain my ability.
Here is a section from a writing of the information I received from my guide Wilhelm in 1993.
This information you desire is as readily available from you as it is me, for we are the same. In other words, it shouldn't surprise you that you are able to get the "answers" more quickly when you "look, as it were. You are indeed correct in your mention of "fears" in the previous attempt at communication, for that is exactly what they were and have been for you for quite a while.
I would never let others see something like that, even my family. So I kept it hidden, while at the same time, this information saved my life. Another piece from a message that year, as I always received encouragement to do more.
You are pure love, and anything in your life that seems to project anything unlike that love is fear.
In 2017 I knew the world was changing, and I could be more helpful to myself and the world if I fully embraced my gift. I would inch closer by releasing some information, and I was hesitantly working on a program. But in 2020, I knew where things would be today and what I possessed would help others embrace who they are, and the transition of the world I knew was coming would be smoother.
Again, as I did earlier in my life, I couldn't explain how I knew this, and I knew others would not understand what I was talking about until they saw it in front of them. Much of that has occurred as everything I've written or received in live channeling sessions over the last two years has manifested.
We all know of self-sabotage and probably know we do it, and we each have different methods, and mine was money. I could stay hidden if I didn't charge enough for what I knew and could help others accomplish.
It is challenging to admit this, but I don't want others to do what I have done. I don't have enough money to pay those I need to get my life-changing program to many more people as I know how vital it could be to anyone who has it and our world. I cannot serve those in the program well because I'm wasting time not revealing what I can do and how I can guide others to their best lives. I keep trying to convince some instead of working with those who want to expand and succeed.
I have talked so much with those on my list about the tuition and keep changing my mind, which I can no longer do. I have to commit to what I know is my life purpose, so I can help others do the same, for that is what they will need to do to live the rest of their lives as they intended and to leave the better world we all want.
I could not get out of my way with this because I thought I had to help everyone. And it becomes my way of self-sabotage because I'm not charging enough and can't offer my best work. I had to hire a coach I'm meeting with next week as I canceled my last appointment. They will have me break my barrier and create the right price because I don't know how much to charge for transforming the life of another.
The funny thing is I know I can do that, and not letting others know is a disservice to them and me. I will leave my current tuition until Monday, but then I will create the life I want to have. I want to give the years I have left in my life to working with those who want to succeed, move through all their barriers and create a happy and prosperous life for themselves.
I have several clients like that now, and one where I did three hours this week, and I witnessed a rapid transformation. I want to do more of that. It is the most rewarding feeling, making all my past struggles seem insignificant. And I also have another book or two to write.
I guarantee everything because I know it works, and I have never failed. I can own that now and want others to do the same, own every aspect of themselves, and live the life they want.
In love and light,
- - Roger
©2024 Roger Burnley / The Burnley Method / Your Last Development Program